I have tried throughout my life to bear the burdens that are placed upon me, and I humbly accept the burden that is placed on me today, by the will of God and by the election of the Holy Synod—by your prayers.
Nevertheless, I ask you to help me bear this burden. I ask for your prayers, your support. I pray that, indeed, the Lord, our Lord, our loving Lord, Jesus Christ, whose Gospel we are all called not only to carry, but to raise high, illumine the world that lies in darkness with teachings of life contained in that Gospel. Not just to proclaim, to show forth that light, but to live our lives with repentance, with prayer, with humility, and with love for one another. May this be given to us by the prayers of all the saints, especially those saints who have shown forth in North America, who so inspire us to continue on that path to salvation.
May this be granted to us by the mercy and love of our most blessed Lady, the Theotokos, who comforts us and encourages us in our distress and in our sorrows. May this be, above all, granted to us by the mercy and love, the grace and life, of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May we worship him, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Eis Polla Eti Despota!
Source: Ancient Faith Radio