On Sunday the 5th of December 2021, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea, the Parish of Sts Constantine and Helene in Perth WA held a Christmas Luncheon. The event was held straight after the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the Community Hall. The Luncheon was very well attend by 180 people, who enjoyed a fish and chips luncheon catered by the Church Committee. The Parish was joined by the Consul for Greece in Perth, Mrs Georgia Karasiotou and her family.
The attendees of the Lunch were entertained by the end of year Christmas Concert of the Sunday School students. The children recited the biblical story of the Nativity and sang songs in Greek and English. At the end of their performance, Parish Priest, Fr Terry Gerovasilis, congratulated all the children on their wonderful performance as well as their regular attendance at Sunday School throughout the year. Fr Terry also congratulated the Sunday School teachers who coordinated the children for such a wonderful performance.
Following the Sunday School performance, all the children present at the lunch were presented with a small gift by Fr Terry which was prepared and donated by the St Tabitha’s Central Philoptochos Committee. The children also participated in activities in the hall which were prepared for them such as face painting and art and craft.
As part of the Christmas celebrations, the Parish also conducted a Toy Drive to collect toys to donate to the Perth Children’s Hospital. At this time of the year, there are many sick children who will spend Christmas away from home and in hospital being treated. Receiving a toy for Christmas from the Parishioners of Sts Constantine and Helene will bring some joy and welcome relief to these children. In total, roughly 100 toys with a value of close to $2000 were collected. These toys will be delivered by Fr Terry and the Church Committee to Perth Children’s Hospital.
Overall, the Christmas Luncheon, Sunday School performance and Toy Drive was hailed as a huge success by all the parishioners in attendance. The Parish conveys its great thanks and appreciation to all the volunteers who helped make this event memorable.