Chicago, IL – In response to popular demand as we intensify our donation drive, we are pleased to announce that effective immediately we are able to accept donations online through our Parish Pay link, allowing you to contribute quickly and conveniently from your computer using your credit/debit card or checking account. Instructions on how to use Parish Pay are shown on the pictures below as well, and please feel free to share this link with any friends or people of goodwill who may be inclined to support the people of Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina as they recover from this catastrophic flood and rebuild their lives and homes.
Dear brothrs and sisters,
As we continue to follow the still unfolding humanitarian crisis and utter devastation in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina caused by the catastrophic flood waters, and seeing the images of our brothers and sisters – men, women, children – displaced from their homes and towns, separated from each other, huddled in temporary relocation centers, we can almost hear our Lord asking us as He asked Philip: where shall we buy bread for these people to eat? Commenting once on this miracle of Jesus, the multiplication of loaves and fishes and feeding of thousands, our saintly Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory said that while God did not give us the ability to multiply food, he did give us the ability to share it.
In the face of this great disaster effecting hundreds of thousands of people in our fatherland, dear brothers and sisters, our Church has asked for us to open our hearts and share our resources in order to help those whose lives have been completely overturned by this natural catastrophe. Since this the beginning of the flood relief efforts, we have collected $20,000 thanks to your generous contributions in order to provide immediate and meaningful help to those most in need, funds that will allow our Church to help feed the hungry, house the displaced, and sustain the infirm. We thank all of those who gave generously on Sunday, and all who have called and written to pledge their support for our flood relief efforts.
Finally, we ask you to pray for all those who gave their lives heroically working to save others from the onslaught of the flood and for all who perished, for those who still yearn to be reunited with their loved ones, and for every person who has helped his or her neighbor in this time of great.