The director of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) along with doctors, the staff and the faithful people from different parts of Serbia and Belgrade, as well as patients of this hospital, attended the Holy Liturgy.
With the blessing of Patriarch Pavle of blessed repose, on the day of his Patron Saint-day, 11 April 2009, on Saint Lazarus Saturday, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral served the first Liturgy in this newly founded side-chapel at the MMA in Belgrade. The side-chapel is dedicated to this great bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Saint Luke of Simferopol and Crimea, University professor and doctor, who was canonized last century as a confessor of the faith. The icon with a particle of his relics was presented by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and it was handed over to the side-chapel on his behalf by Bishop Antonije of Moravica on the day of the first Patron Saint-day of the side-chapel, 11 June 2009.