“The mass media would willingly report killings of Christians in the Islamic world while passing over in silence the cases of persecution taking place in other countries and in peaceful situations. Disrespect for freedom of faith inevitably begets the violation of other freedoms, political and economic,” website of the Russian Orthodox Church reports on Friday as its members also attended the event.
Participants in the forum note that in many countries, the discrimination of Christians has grown into mass persecution against people of other religions when the religious factor becomes an instrument of pressure brought to bear on dissent and disliked minorities.
“It should be admitted that it is easier today to reach a consensus in the European Parliament with regard to persecution for a faith or religious beliefs if Christians are not mentioned at all,” European Parliament member Cristian Dan Preda said at the meeting. According to him, “the religious component of the protection of Christians should become one of the key factors in the foreign policy work of the European Union for the sake of the preservation of peace”.
Participants in the forum in the European Parliament commemorated with a minute of silence the Christians victimized by Christianophobia today.