Minsk, May 14, Interfax – Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of Byelorussia, believes vicious the practice of musical contests perverting human image.
“I wouldn’t recommend to send a representative to a contest that praises perverted human image. It is not the top of creativity, it is only a parody,” Metropolitan Pavel told journalists answering the question on the results of Eurovision 2014 won by a transvestite from Austria performing under pseudonym Conchita Wurst, who became notorious as the bearded woman.
“I’m not against contests, but when they pervert human image, I’m against such contests. They tried to copy the image of Christ: long hair, a beard, but they made a parody. And today it attracts people. I don’t feel comfortable to comment on it. I don’t know how to call Conchita – he or she. “It” will be most appropriate,” Metropolitan Pavel said.
“We can’t correct the way we were born. But as to this case, I can’t stand sluggards, when a person turns into “it,” the Patriarchal Exarch of All Byelorussia said.